Montenegro to Introduce Visas for Citizens of Seven Countries by 2027: Including Russia, China, and Turkey

The Reform Agenda for the period 2024–2027 requires Montenegro to gradually align its visa policy with that of the European Union.

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Currently, Montenegro’s visa policy is not fully harmonized with the EU’s. For this reason, the Reform Agenda for 2024–2027 mandates Montenegro to bring its visa regulations in line with EU standards, according to CdM.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this means that citizens of seven countries can currently enter Montenegro without a visa, even though these same individuals require a visa to enter EU member states.

"This applies to citizens of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Qatar, Kuwait, Turkey, China, and Russia, who are allowed visa-free entry to Montenegro year-round for stays of up to 30 or 90 days", said the Ministry, headed by Ervin Ibrahimović, to the CdM portal.

During the summer tourist season, Montenegro temporarily extends its visa-free regime for six months. Until 31 October this year, in addition to the aforementioned countries, Montenegro also permitted visa-free stays of up to 30 days for citizens of Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Saudi Arabia, aswell as up to 10 days for Egyptian citizens and UAE residents.

The Ministry added that the visa-free regime for these countries would gradually be phased out in line with national priorities and interests, as reported by CdM.

Harmonizing with the EU Visa System

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it is actively working on reforming the Visa Information System, with funding provided by the EU. Aligning with the EU visa policy also involves adopting EU standards and procedures for issuing visas. Legal regulations are being amended to achieve full compliance, which is expected by the end of 2027 as part of the reform agenda.

Progress in Harmonizing National Payment Systems

Montenegro and Albania have been included in the geographic framework of the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). Under the leadership of their central banks, both countries have made significant progress in aligning their national payment systems and regulations with EU standards.

They have become the first Western Balkan nations to join the SEPA framework, marking a major milestone in their paths toward EU membership.

SEPA is one of the benefits of the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, with funds under the plan to be disbursed to countries upon the completion of their reform agendas.

"Montenegro’s accession to SEPA schemes is a significant step toward financial integration with the European Union. This achievement opens economic opportunities and provides tangible benefits to households and businesses as Montenegro progresses toward EU membership", stated the Governor of the Central Bank of Montenegro, Irena Radović.

(Source: EUpravo Zato / CdM)